Casting Heroes vs Villains 2
Something most Survivor fans agree on is that we NEED a Heroes vs Villains 2. Polls have shown that it is considered by fans to be the best season ever. I will be able to include any players who did NOT compete in the 20-person Heroes vs Villains season, although I must say that think Courtney is a player who needs to compete again. I have seen many people do this by picking the competitors before assigning them to tribes, but I think one of the best things about the original was that everyone (except Sugar) really suited the role they were placed in. This results in the exclusion of players like Greg Buis, Spencer Bledsoe and Nick Wilson, who were brilliant but ambiguous. Please comment your cast below and let's get to it.
Heroes Tribe:
Richard Hatch
Teresa Cooper
Taj George
Malcolm Freburg
Kelley Wentworth
Latasha Fox
Keith Nale
Davie Rickenbacker
Lauren Beck
Listed in the order in which they first appeared, I think this is an amazing tribe. Richard Hatch is the first ever winner, and while he does not see eye to eye with Jeff Probst he, as far as I know, still wants to return to the great game, and he is a hero and inspiration for many, and is a lock if he wants to return. T-Bird from season 3 (Africa) is a player I have seen a LOT of people calling for a return from, and we do need an old-school woman on the cast anyway, so she fits perfectly. Yau-Man is someone who would likely lap up the chance to return, especially after his disappointing Fans vs Favorites performance, so he makes the cut slightly ahead of fellow small and skinny males Christian and Tai. Taj George is the final player from the first 20 seasons, and while it would take some convincing to bring her back I think so many of us fans would love to see the bubbly wife of Eddie George play again.
Malcolm is someone who made the list for EVERYONE I saw reporting on anything remotely similar. He is a brilliant player and all Survivor fans would like to see him again, casual or hardcore. He appears alongside Wentworth, one of the most loveable and charismatic underdogs in Survivor history. She is another fairly obvious inclusion, especially with female heroes being a moderately small demographic. Tasha Fox from Cagayan also makes the cast, although this time she will be with Wentworth rather than against her like in Cambodia. Tasha is another player who is excellent in every area of the game, and I think because the male villains are physically superior to the male heroes the women should be the other way round.
Keith Nale is the last of three Second Chance contestants on the cast, as he narrowly edged out Big Tom in the not-too-strategical but hilarious older guy role. Survivor is ultimately entertainment, and Keith definitely brings that to the game. Davie Rickenbacker is the youngest man on the heroes tribe, and he is one of my personal favorite players. He, much like Kelley Wentworth, was an exciting underdog with seemingly endless tricks up their sleeves (I actually think those two could be a strong duo) and combine that with a good social game and entertaining style he is a pretty obvious inclusion. Lauren Beck is the final hero, and an inexplicably underrated player. I haven't seen too many people pick her, but I hope she does make the final cut as I really found her to be a really nice person who you really have to root for.
Villains Tribe:
Rob Cesternino
Johnny Fairplay
Shane Powers
Dreamz Herd
Phillip Sheppard
Abi-Maria Gomes
Ciera Eastin
Sarah Lacina
Kass McQuillen
Chrissy Hofbeck
Before I start let me say that I in no way planned for all the guys to have appeared earlier than all the women, it kinda just worked out that way. Rob Cesternino is probably the biggest lock in this entire tribe, because he was the first player to completely control an entire season pretty much unchallenged. He was amazing, and him being on the villain tribe was never really a question. Johnny Fairplay was responsible for the most famous moment in reality TV history and was a diabolical figure in his first season on the show and since he has only returned for one brief cameo since CBS would do well to bring him back. Shane Powers was hilarious, and was cut from the original Heroes vs Villains when Russell Hantz played an unseen game in Samoa, so if this were to happen again he would surely be one of the first people considered. Again, I would relish a Shane return.
Dreamz made it just ahead of Rick Devens for two reasons. Firstly, CBS has a 50% diversity mandate and secondly, someone physical is needed because Shane and Phillip do not really cut it. He was, again, entertaining and evil and facing up against Yau-Man should be interesting. I never thought Dreamz was really a villain, he had it hard for most of the season, and I really do think he will be a hero if he returns. And the final man is Phillip Sheppard, the former federal agent in the pink underpants. Phillip was the only reason Rob didn't completely dominate all the screen time during Redemption Island. I mean, its Phillip, what else do you want. the first female villain is Abi-Maria Gomes. She was... interesting. In the way that a ghost pepper is interesting to someone who doesn't like spice. Explosive and in-your-face, Abi-Maria is on pretty much everyone's list to return for a season featuring villains.
Ciera Eastin also made the cast. She was a brilliant player and would cut down anyone standing in her path - even her mother. Again, she wasn't that villainous, but often one move can completely change how people see you. I am a huge Sarah Lacina fan. I think she is a significantly better player than Tony Vlachos, although she did end up on the jury in both of his winning seasons. She played a truly treacherous game and while you have to love her she did have a horrible tendency to cut peoples' throats. Kass McQuillen was a spectacularly snarky and sarcastic figure on both of her Survivor seasons. This is not really something that needs too much explaining. The final inclusion is Chrissy Hofbeck. If she did come back here she would have been on both a Heroes and a Villains tribe, which would be iconic. She was a runner-up to Ben in Survivor HHH, and this time she won't settle for second.
Do you agree or disagree? What would you change? Let me know below, as I am sure it is very far from perfect and there may be some obvious inclusions I missed. In general, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys later. Noah (O⥥O)
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