Ranking Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island Contestants Least-Most Likely To Win
I did a power rankings on this season of Survivor South Africa, which had mixed results. When it was the final 14, I placed the remaining contestants at 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 14. My top 3, who were Renier, Anesu and Dino all went out as well as well as my number eight pick Amy. I did, however, predict four remaining players, namely Kiran, Santoni, Tyson and Chappies to still be here, so I'm not too unhappy with my predictions, especially as that post predated both the tribe swap and merge (which screwed over Renier and Dino). So today I will be doing something slightly different and ranking the contestants based on who is least to most likely to win.
7: Santoni
She would have been low even if she were to be on the right side of the numbers, and as she is not, she's my pick as the least likely to win. She has the most enemies on the jury, and despite a series of good moves and often impressive strategic play, she has always been a bit brash and has never shown an aptitude in manipulation through speech, meaning she wouldn't be able to get her brilliant game across to the jury.
6: Wardah
She would be one of my top picks to make the end, perhaps even number one, but I don't think she can win. She hasn't played a pivotal role in any of the big moves so far, unlike Tyson, and is far outclassed by Kiran's immaculate social game. She has few to no friends on the jury and while she will make it far and take home a good sum of money, the million will not be hers unless she can craft a way to the end with neither of her two main allies beside her.
5: Chappies
Unless he wins the next immunity, he is the biggest target to go home. He has mostly been used as a pawn during the post-merge game, so it isn't like he has any big moves to show. He is only ahead of Santoni and Wardah because he could logically win at the end game as long as he isn't sitting besides either of the top two. He had a brilliant pre-merge game and has also been impressive socially. Partner this with the fact that he could go on an immunity run and I think he has a very slim but not non-existent shot of winning at this point.
4: Anela
Firstly, this guy does not have the winners edit at all. If he were to reach the end, he has a lot of friends on the jury, but unlike Nicole he owes them a lot as they continually saved him in the pre-merge. Seeing as she will likely be there with him if he were to win, I don't think he is going to win despite having many allies and few burned bridges on the jury.
3: Nicole
She's portrayed as the dumb blonde, and the editors never really portray anyone other than the main villains in a bad light, nor in an nonstrategic one (she was really torn apart by Renier in episode 10 for electing to bring him and Amy on the reward). She only gets in because she is likely to make it to the end and has more allies than anyone on the council of judges. She won't beat either of Tyson and Kiran, so would need to flip if she wishes to win (this would give her the "big move" qualification with the jury).
2: Tyson
He could beat anyone with the right final tribal speech. His social game has definitely been worse than Kiran's, but if he could convince the jury that he possessed a superior strategic and physical game, he could take the W. The money would practically be guaranteed if he could orchestrate a move to take out Kiran and make it there without him.
1: Kiran
I had him placed highest of the remaining players in my previous player ranking, and I will stick by that. He has had the best social game of the season, has won the most immunity challenges (a huge part of the physical game) and has been part of the dominant alliance. Not only that, but he has been the glue that held the team together and has prevented his two allies from making brash moves. He is the leader of the majority and has the winners edit on his side.
What are your thoughts on the player rankings? Comment them down below! Please also remember to follow me on social media for updates whenever I post and I will see you guys next time on Noah MT! Noah ^0^
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