Welcome back everyone! Please feel free to read through this entire post before checking out the first two parts, as these are in no particular order. This is the ultimate post in this series where I go over all 18 of the leaked Survivor 41 cast. I may do a post on the changes to the Survivor format, which I think are good (e.g. no Edge or Fire Tokens) and which... not so much (e.g. 3 tribes and no themes), so please comment below if you'd like to see that. But without any more dilly-dally, let's get into the list.
Ricard Foye
Ricard Foye is a flight attendant who runs the podcast "Ricard's Reality" on reality TV, and is a big fan of Survivor, along with both The Amazing Race and Big Brother. He identifies as a gay man of color, meaning he perfectly fits CBS's new 50% diversity casting. I originally thought his name was pronounced "Richard Foy" but according to him it is "riKARD foYAY", and I'm gonna trust him on this.
I would think his largest advantage would be him being a super-fan like Adam Klein or Cochran, but this doesn't always work out. In the three main Survivor components (physical, mental and strategic) let's see how he'll do. Being a fan, he'll likely have studied fire-making and structure-building. He also looks pretty physically fit, and he is in the younger half of the cast, so he should also be very good in challenges.
He seems nice, but social games are hard to judge prior to the game. Strategically, I think he will be quite good, as this is where being a super-fan comes in. When do you make an alliance, when do you look for the idol, who do you bring on the reward and when do you utilize your physical and social game, and to what extent.
Sara Wilson
Listed as a "Medical Engineering Student", Sara Wilson is hard to find online, as there seems to be a news reporter with the same name. You can find her Instagram here and her TikTok here. She should excel physically, as she is a swimmer and an accomplished "Arial Artist", which basically means gymnastics crossed with circus acts as far as I can see. She is clearly not afraid of heights.
She was seemingly brought up by her grandparents, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I would guess she has a good social and physical game, but I'm not too sure strategically. I cannot find any mention of Survivor on her social media, but I guess being a medical engineering student is not really too easy. I would think she could be one of three architypes, Parvati-esque, Natalie White-esque or just an early boot.
Shantel Smith
While Shantel has quite a nice story, I can't really see her doing too well. She does follow quite a few top Survivor players, but I can't see her leaving her morals at the door. She had quite a tough childhood, and was abused and homeless until she started practicing Christianity and became a pastor. She is quite big on social media, and does light Christian skits among other things. Linked are her
Instagram and
She will probably be pretty average physically, as she is young but not really sporty, as far as I can tell. I think she will get along with most at first, but I think she may grate on some non-Christian people's nerves if she starts preaching or making them pray when they eat or something. She just seems like she may not really understand those who are non-religious. I can see her getting along with those of other religions though. She just might be kind of like JoAnna Ward from Survivor: The Amazon.
I think she could do very well, but I somehow think she may start to grate on some people's nerves and get a few harsh remarks in confessionals. She might just be Christian in private, but she seems like she takes her Christianity very seriously and this could be a problem, especially if she were to cross paths with someone like me: a pessimistic and unlikeable athiest. No-one, at least in recent seasons, has really won fairly without being a bit despicable.
Sydney Segal
Survivor is known to bring on people seemingly because they look good and that's about it, and more often than not these are women which I can only assume means that Survivor estimates that they have a larger male audience. To be honest, she seems a bit conceited, what with calling herself "Queen Sydney". Apparently she's a law student though, so maybe she does have some brains and will be the next Parvati. However, these factors paired with the rumors of her being medically evacuated lead me to believe that she will not really be the next Sole Survivor.
I would think, barring a medical evacuation, she will make the merge. If she is in the majority she will likely make the end and be beaten, and if in the minority she'll just get picked off. I honestly hope I'm wrong, but looking at previous Survivor casts and which archetypes she may fit, I just have to assume she won't win.
As I've been a bit negative so far, let me be positive. Maybe she'll be the next Parvati or the next Amanda or turn out really smart and be the next Sophie. Maybe she'll end up like Natalie White and actually win at the end. Maybe she'll be the next big thing in Survivor. To be honest, who knows. I can only find so much information and have obviously never met her in person. Go Sydney, I guess.
Tiffany Seely
Teacher Tiffany Seely is a married (I think) woman from Plainview, New York. She works at a special middle school known as Jamaica Academy for students who are serving a suspension. So if there are some delinquents who need to learn a lesson running around the island, she'll be the one you need. If anyone turns out like Robb Zbacnik and starts choking anyone, she's the one to call.
She also seems to have some link to jewelry or something, but I can't find much. As the third-oldest cast-away, she will likely be regarded as a liability in challenges, but I also think she could prove to be quite good at Survivor. As long as she can avoid the early boot, I think she could actually be a kind of Tina Wesson figure and go really far with a good alliance. I would guess she will be best socially.
Alexander "Xander" Hastings
Xander Hastings could be a few different things. He could be a nice guy who is good at the all-round game. He could be a jerk like Drew from San Juan del Sur, rude and arrogant. He could just be around as a Sydney-equivalent dude who is just there for anyone attracted to men.
He reportedly studies computer sciences, which I honestly did not expect after seeing his Instagram, which you can find
here. I can see him going far and potentially winning the thing, but could also see him bomb out due to tribal clashes. For some reason, I have a feeling he is either really nice or really not.
One thing I am pretty sure about is that he will probably excel with regards to the physical game, as he is young and in shape. He was cast because he stood out somehow, so now we just have to wait to see in what way it was. Good luck to him.
I finally finished this series! It was pretty research-heavy, but I enjoyed it none-the-less. Please leave post requests or season predictions in the comments below and remember to follow me on social media to keep up to date on my blogging activity. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time. Noah ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽
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