Fenrir Greyback Part 3: Ministry-Made Madness
The final part of my Fenrir Greyback series, in this post I will be discussing the huge issues in the wizarding world, often caused by the Ministry, and why it is actually the fault of the wizarding world that villains such as Fenrir Greyback ever came to be. I think it is quite interesting that J.K. Rowling made the ministry so flawed, but I think this was a brilliant thing to do because of how it led to Harry Potter, at least if you look closely, not to be just another good vs. evil series, but rather much more complex with the two sides being closely intertwined.
Werewolves are the victims of massive discrimination. As we have seen they are permitted to carry a wand, but they are largely banished from the wizarding world. No registered werewolves are given jobs, as we saw with Lupin, and your absence near the full moon is a tell-tale sign that you are a werewolf, meaning that even unregistered werewolves aren't likely to be able to hold down a job for more than a couple of months.
Other part-humans and humanoids experience this even worse, with creatures such as vampires, centaurs and hags not even being permitted to carry a wand. Some, such as house-elves, are actually slaves to wizards and, like Hermione says, have been brainwashed through the ages to believe that this is their sole purpose, that the fact that their "masters" allow them to serve is a kind and gracious act of generosity rather than a selfish act of enslavement.
As we saw, werewolves are victims of mass discrimination, and they are destined to be considered lesser. We saw how Remus Lupin was treated, but he was from a highly-respected family with accomplished ancestors. They were upper class, and had been helpful in things such as the enchantment of the Hogwarts express and the ending of the wizarding war.
However, for Fenrir he had nothing of the sort (check out part 2 for more detail). He was poor and was hidden away from the outside world by unloving parents. Lupin was actually allowed to attend Hogwarts and was accepted by at least a small part of the wizarding population. Greyback was not. He was denied education, acceptance and love. He decided, as I have said previously, that if he could not be accepted as an equal he would be feared as an enemy.
And so he pillaged and murdered and destroyed and infected. He grew his army, and with it came fear. Children learnt not to wander too far on the full moon or you could find yourself 100% more wolf-y than you were at the beginning of the day. And if you too were abused and mistreated, your attacker, the very reason for your misery, would claim you as his pup and his servant, and you would join in the conquest.
Due to a history of discrimination and a complete denial of opportunities most assumed easily, such as a job or even education, the cruel and unjust wizarding world would drive you into the embrace of evil, for your other options were suck-up and hope, live with Muggles or die. This is what led to so many such as Greyback being considered evil and disgusting. They themselves created an enemy that would like nothing more than to savor your flesh. Real smart move.
That got a bit dark. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed and that Fenrir Greyback will be absent from your dreams. And also your lives, because I don't suppose any one of you would enjoy being a werewolf. Please follow me on social media and share my blog with friends to help me make it monetizable and I will see you guys later. Noah *#-#*
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