Fenrir Greyback Part 1: 5 Similar Characters

Hello everyone! This post is the first of a three-part series on Fenrir Greyback, Harry Potter's most underrated villain. In this series I will discuss 5 of his inspirations, what I think his backstory is, and finally why him turning evil is the fault of the ministry. I really think he is not spoken about enough, just like most villains outside the duo of Voldemort and Malfoy, and I would like to cast some light on this creepy character.

5: Fenris Wolf

Rick Riordan fans will probably be familiar with this canine carnivore, and I think this is a good point to start the list with. A heartless but intelligent villain, Fenris Wolf famously took all of the gods, as well as a few dwarves and the sacrifice of Tyr's hand to subdue. 
He, like Fenrir, had no lack of bloodlust, and it was no mistake that Fenrir Greyback was named after Fenris Wolf. Two big bad wolves fighting for freedom and the chance to lead an army at the final battle, neither of these murderous mongrels is someone who you want to become well acquainted with.

4: Lycaon 
When talking about the most powerful and bloodthirsty werewolves in history, you can not get much worse than the original demented doggo, Lycaon. He was a king, who earned the favor of Zeus by building him a temple, before he went crazy and killed a bunch of people. 
Then he decided to try and feed one of his sons to Zeus (so he's basically Tantalus 2.0, pretty similar story). Great idea. Instead of zapping him into non-existence, Zeus decided Hey, you are a butt. So imma make you something that sniffs butt: a big ugly doggo.

2/3: Killmonger/Magneto

Who else am I comparing to this wicked whelp? These two were pretty inseparable. Both actually had, at least originally, very good causes. I have never actually watched X-Men, but Black Panther is my favorite Marvel hero along with Dr. Strange so I know all about Killmonger. 
I don't really want to give away too many spoilers, but both of these two are, or have been, discriminated against just like Fenrir Greyback: Fenrir was a werewolf, Killmonger was fighting against discrimination against black people and Magneto was a Holocaust survivor. They may have taken to excessive violence to fight against discrimination, but all they had a good cause and were actually only driven into it by society, which I will discuss in my 3rd post on Fenrir.

1: Vlad the Impaler 
Yes, I have already discussed these similarities in a post named "Five Harry Potter Characters Who Are REALLY Similar To a Real Life Person" but I think the similarities between these two bloodthirsty leaders need to be stressed again. 
They are brilliant leaders who are extremely violent and drink the blood of their enemies. They used inhumane and murderous tactics to pillage and gain power. They will surely go down as two of the most disagreeable, crazy and intelligent villains ever, fictional or not.

So there we have it. While I am quite pressed with exams at the moment, this blog is definitely a coping method, a lovely break from writing out definitions from textbooks and doing endless simple math sums looking for the stuff I've forgotten, so don't expect too much of a lapse in posting. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and please help me by spreading the word about this weird little blog you somehow stumbled upon. Enjoy your day/night further! Noah (:|


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