Top Five Epic YouTube Genres and Channels You May Not Have Heard Of

YouTube is an eccentric and wonderful place. And it is becoming increasingly hard for new channels to rise up and gain subscribers because of how hard it is to get noticed. With channels such as Pewdiepie and T-Series having 100s of millions of subscribers, smaller channels often fall to the wayside, especially when they are in genres that appeal to people outside of those who are attracted to YouTube. 

Today we will be looking at a few genres you may not have discovered that you may enjoy. I myself use YouTube, but I usually subscribe to channels I enjoy and don't really check anything else. Whenever I see something interesting, I check it out, and I think this is a nice way to watch what you enjoy in moderation and not get sucked in to endless strings of uninteresting videos. Without further ado, let's get into another epic list. Did I miss anything? Comment below.

5: Animated History Channels

I am one of those people who doesn't go crazy over history, but enjoys a moderate amount. I enjoy watching videos on history, but I get bored when the frame just switches between random paintings at irregular intervals. So how do I solve this? 

I check out animation channels such as Oversimplified. Not only does the well-done animation (with some comedy thrown in) keep me interested, but because animating takes so long, new videos only come out every month or so. This means that history is not always getting shoved down my throat, but it also means that the animators have enough time to do detailed 20-or-so minute videos rather than brief and unsatisfying ones. Just a nice, educational bit of lazy time.

4: Fanbase Channels

Most major fanbases have a often-undiscovered YouTube subcommunity. For books such as Harry Potter, or TV shows such as Survivor, YouTube is a good place to see the opinions of others that make you see things in a new way and keep you engaged in all your favorite things. 
The reason I like MovieFlame is because despite being predominantly focused on Harry Potter, it also occasionally incorporates other things in, such as a Star Wars or Percy Jackson video here and there. 
You can find subcommunities of fanbases all over YouTube, and for the biggest fan bases (such as Harry Potter) there are even subcommunities... of the subcommunities, such as listing channels, summarizing channels and sometimes channels only focused on one part of the book, movie, etc. For example; you can find channels only focused on a particular HP house. Wow!

3: Funny Music 
It is exceptionally hard to find any good music, especially when looking for comedic relief instead of some rando shrieking about their ex-boyfriend or rapping senselessly about whatever. So it is a true gem when you find an artist, band, etc. who actually writes something funny that actually cheers you up. 
And when I say it's a complete gem, I mean it. I have only found one such channel, namely ERB. Their songs are hilarious and a good way to study for that one History test about someone who you care little about and find uninteresting. With raps such as Donald Trump vs Joe Biden, Count Dracula vs Vlad the Impaler and Adolph Hitler vs Darth Vader. There is a small bit of swearing, but a cool channel to check out. Also, has anyone else uncovered any such gems? Pls comment below to do your good deed of the day.

2: Soccer/Football Channels
There are a lot of soccer channels. And most of them are just some rather overweight Geordie ranting on about how Mike Astley should be sued for disrespecting the 'Greatest Football Club in World History'. But it may surprise you to find that a few of them are actually quite good. 
Above are the four I am subscribed to, OneFootball (who do daily news among other things), 442oons (who do Football Animations) and HITC Sport and HITC Sevens (who do lists, predictions, etc.). Just nice channels to check out for any reasonable and level-headed soccer fans out there.

1:  Storytime Animation Channels
Taking top spot; storytime animation channels. The three above channels all know each other and often invite one another to do some drawing battle, all of which are enjoyable. But most of the time they just sit in their closets in pajamas and make animations about something that happened to them. All funny and unique, these channels are always perfect to brighten up your day. 
These charismatic creators have earned a bit more publicity than most on this list, with James (TheOdd1sOut) appearing on Mr Beast's channel among others, while Jaiden (Jaiden Animations) has appeared on even more channels, having been on not only Mr Beast's channel but Pewdiepie's himself! Despite this, they do not get as much credit as they deserve, with James (Odd1sout), Jaiden (Jaiden Animations) and Adam (SomethingElseYT) only having 16,1, 9,1 and 3,8 million subscribers respectively.

Thanks for returning! I will try to post 5 times a week now that the holidays are upon us, so please subscribe to the blog to get notified on that. Please feel free to leave any queries, requests, etc. below, share my blog with all of your friends and family and I'll see you next time. Noah (;0)>


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