Star Wars: Top 5 Bad Guys

This is a weird list. It is focused around everything: cool-ness, bad-ness and a-lot-of-other-stuff-ness. There are a lot of Star Wars baddies, so please don't scream at your screen if you don't agree, or at least leave your arguments in the comment section below. Anyway, comment any opinions below and let's get into it.

5: Darth Maul

One of the first Villains of the Star Wars franchise (if you go by the timeline), Darth Maul is a loathsome, menacing and powerful baddie. He is an evil, not-quite-human being who is one of the minority on this list who are not revealed to have died, living as an amnesiac on the planet Lotho Minor. 
Perhaps the most inhumane and emotionless baddies in Star Wars, his power over the force and epic lightsaber make him my number one pick when I play Star Wars: Battlefront. It is a common argument between fans about how important he is, and I think it is clear to see what I think of him after his inclusion on this prestigious list.

4: Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)
The sheer amount of epic Star Wars Villains is no better shown than when the (arguably) main antagonist of 3 of the Star Wars movies falls only comes in fourth on this list. I rate Episode VI - VIII more than most Star Wars fans, but this hesitating and backtracking villain is much less purely evil than many other inclusions here. 
I think maybe these less evil qualities, compared to the likes of Vader who I believe he is most similar to, could just be down to my belief that Snoke is a worse mentor than Palpatine in the eyes of most, a belief I think is accurate.

3: Jabba the Hutt 
One of my personal favorites, and (tip alert) a surefire way to make your audience laugh during most oral presentations through a comparison to someone. The disgusting villain probably wouldn't be as high on this list if you were to ask most other Star Wars. However, I think Star Wars fans can be divided into four categories.
1: Once off watchers who just like the fight scenes. 2: People who watch the movies a few times and enjoy them thoroughly, coming off with most in-the-movies logic, stories, etc. 3: People who really enjoy them but find them very hard to get hold of, but know most info in and out of the movies. 4: Hardcore fans who have all of them, have watched them multiple times, have merch and know virtually everything there is to know about the franchise. I fall in 3, and am one of those people who thinks suppliers and gangsters are often worse than straight up assassins and up-front baddies, and this is why he takes my vote.

2: Emperor Palpatine 
Palpatine is in many ways an OP Jabba the Hutt. He stays in the shaddows, preferring to send out the pawns instead of fight. In fact, the Empire is structured much like a chess game, with Darth Vader being the Queen, while Palpatine is the King. The Generals and other high-up officials being bishops, castles and horses, and the stormtroopers are pawns. 
Anyway, Palpatine has epic powers, is brilliant at swinging people to the Dark Side, and is the blueprint evil dictator. His excellent military strategies among other things can draw comparisons to Hitler and other war-focused dictators.

1: Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) 

We all knew it was coming. Darth Vader is the poster boy of Star Wars. The original Sith Lord, Anakin Skywalker is easily among the most famous fictional villains ever. From the oldest to youngest generation, Vader is famous.

Although most assume he was always evil and never saved the next biggest Star Wars poster boy, his son Luke Skywalker, he is still famed, feared and loved by audiences worldwide. And he takes number one.

Another list done! And my first one on Star Wars! Comment below which type of Star Wars fan you are, and say 0 if you aren't one. Please also comment below with any requests or queries, subscribe and share and until next time, goodbye.


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