Top Five Harry Potter Characters Who Weren't in the Movies

The Harry Potter Franchise is epic. That is it. Full stop. When the movies were made, quite a few characters were deemed less important and sidelined. There were many reasons for this, ranging from financial issues to practical problems. But lets check out the coolest characters who never made a single movie appearance. Who did I miss out on? Comment below.

5: The Gaunts

The Gaunts are a family descended from some of the most famous and powerful families in the world, namely the Peverells and Slytherins. The father of the family, Marvolo, is driven mad by this history and it is all he ever thinks about. His son, Morfin, is a Parselmouth and he, too, is mad as a hatter.

Merope Gaunt is frequently oppressed by her father and brother, who think she is an undeserving Squib. She brews a love potion to make a local Muggle, Tom Riddle, fall in love with her, and this relationship ends in the birth of Tom Riddle Jr., who later becomes Lord Voldemort himself. Sadly, most of the pensieve scenes were rather unremarkable, and this very important scene wasn't shown at all!

4: Professor Binns

He may not have been too important to the plot, but I doubt you could find a single Harry Potter fan who wouldn't have liked to watch Professor Binns float through the blackboard, despite the fact that it might give us all a bit of a fright. Although we might have to thank the producers for not showing him, as I'm sure we would have fallen asleep seconds into his lessons and missed the rest of the movie.

The droning ghost "woke up" dead in his armchair one day, but his ghost carried on teaching. He tended to put most learners to sleep as he went on and on, but, at least in the books, he gave Harry, Ron and Hermione useful information on the Chamber of Secrets. He was, however, one of those oh-so-important details that the movies left out entirely.

3: Charlie Weasley

Was Bill's diminished role not bad enough? Charlie Weasley is the second child of Arthur and Molly Weasley and the brother to Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Percy and Bill. The dragon lover turned his back on a Quidditch career to work with dragons. He was just an interesting character we would have liked to see.

But Charlie is just one example of how the Weasleys' roles were mutilated and diminished. I mean, where in hell did the Weasleys' house burned down? Why in the wide world were the terrible twins, who would have added so much comedic relief, so unimportant to the movies? I, for one, would have preferred the producers to go the Star Wars route and make three-hour-long movies if it meant everything we so much desired, that just ended up as sidelined, could be included.

2: Winky
Why oh why were House-elves seemingly pushed aside? Why were they forgotten, just left to be the definition, the im-house-elf-ation of forgotten background characters. For example; the huge importance of House-Elves in the battle of Hogwarts. Yes, wizard history might say that the wizards did all the work, but do we Muggles have to sink so low? 
Anyway, Winky was just a cool character that we sorely missed in the movies. She just left a few plot gaps in the Goblet of Fire, along with being a part of one or two unused scenes dear to Potterheads worldwide. Just a sad miss overall. And finally;

1: Peeves

Yes, we all saw this coming. Peeves was one of the practical problems: he made the others completely crack up and fall to pieces. Ron, who already had laughing problems, was one of the many who just couldn't keep a straight face during the Peeves scenes. 
Anyway, he was just a sad miss, and I think we could all have done with a good "and Voldy's gone Moldy" during the morbid end scenes. It would have been a nice addition, but I think we might be able to give the producers the slip on this little one.

Thanks for returning! This one was a long process, and has been waiting on my to-do list for a few weeks now, but it's finally here. Please subscribe, share my blog, comment on thoughts and requests and as always, I'll see you next time. Noah =^._.^=


  1. I think that Prof Binns should have been at No. 3.


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