Harry Potter: 3 Unheard Fan Theories that Just Might be True

Hi guys! I know it's been quite long since I posted something on Harry Potter, but that is because a few ideas fell through. If any of you have ideas, it would help me hugely if you would please comment them below so I can try to make a post on one of them.

However, I'm never short on theories, and today I will (in depth) explain three super plausible ones that seem to fill all the holes perfectly. For more epic theories you can check out my Top Five Plausible Harry Potter Theories you've Never Heard Before, or my post that links to that first list on Ekrizdis. 

And PS, all these theories are made by me, so all are highly, if not explicitly, original. Let's go.

1: The Sorting Hat's Revenge

I may have already done a Sorting Hat theory, but as so much about the Sorting Hat is shrouded in mystery there are many little questions you have to ask about the singing sorcerer-sorter. The things we will be addressing today are the problems with where people are sorted, such as how Peter Pettigrew ever made it into Gryffindor when he was clearly Hufflepuff material, possessing little-to-no courage, brains or ambition. 
This is an ongoing problem, with so many people being put in the wrong house. It is also a problem when students can start requesting to be put in a particular house, such as Harry. My theory is that, like House elves and Dragons, the Sorting Hat was severely mistreated. 
The Sorting Hat wasn't okay with this, however, and like the dragons, it rebelled. Unlike the dragons, though, it was pretty intelligent, and therefore rebelled more silently. He simply misplaced a few people, intending to create a rift that would send the wizarding world into chaos. This is why Wormtail, Harry, Hermione, Neville, etc. were all placed in the wrong houses (unless, of course, the Sorting Hat could see the future and wanted to nudge the last three together) but then again, that doesn't really fit when it comes to Wormtail. 
So yeah, basically the Sorting Hat tried to rebel against his oppressors, and did quite a bit of damage. You never know what dark wizard he/she/it (comment below which it is) could end up creating...

2: Dumbledore's Plan

Who wasn't shocked when they found out Dumbledore intended for Harry to die? But one fan (aka me) goes to suggest that Dumbledore knew that the only way for Harry to end up winning... was if he went to Voldemort intending to die. 
Possibly the most plausible of the list, surely Dumbledore, after everything, wasn't just gonna let Harry die. It is more likely that he intended to die with the secret that Harry was, in fact, not going to die. It works even better if you believe the common fan theory that Dumbledore is Death, because this explains how he knew all this, but you can choose to believe the theory or not. 
You cannot, however, turn away from the fact that this just fits. Dumbledore likely understood that, if cultivated correctly, Harry would give up his life. It would work better than if Harry faked and knew he wouldn't die, because Voldemort may then have been more suspicious, and therefore less rash. 
I just think it fits and would be a very Dumbledore-esc thing to do. It clears up a few doubts around Dumbledore's motives, and takes away that little thought of Dumbledore's real intentions...

JK Rowling's Incredible Gamble
The Harry Potter franchise is dear in the hearts of millions and all the ever-evolving theories, along with JK Rowling's additional writings and stories, keep devoted fans such as myself reeled in for years. But these theories and add-ons are there for a purpose; to clear things up. But what if this is intentional? 
No, I am not calling JK Rowling's writings flawed, far from it. I would go so far as to say most of this was intentional. Think about it; in the first few books everything is simple, clean-cut and clean. But as the series evolves, and the lines between good and evil start to blur, things get messy, and some things seem to be left on a permanent cliff hanger. This is often what makes Harry Potter so good. 
What if JK Rowling took a risk, a well calculated one, yes, but still a risk. She knew to make the series better she needed to add that extra something, and this may result in loopholes that's explanations she knew, but kept secret in case of her books becoming overly long and even tedious. Joanne decided that she could use this, to expand on her series but also to create one of the most active and interesting fan bases ever. She would slowly poke out bits of information, but keep a lot of it behind closed doors. 
As so much planning went in to the books (evident with a bit of research) I highly doubt the author of such a great and famous literature masterpiece would simply not have an explanation for so many small details which she seemed to cherish as so important in most cases. This attention to detail, and intelligent lack thereof, is what makes J-K so great in the eyes of the millions of devoted Potterheads worldwide.

Any, thanks again for returning to my blog. I hope you enjoyed this unrealistic rambling on my part, and I hope you will return shortly in time for another post. Please leave any comments, queries or requests below, subscribe to the blog to get notified of any posts (I promise not to send pointless naggy emails) and share the blog with anyone who might be interested. Thanks! Noah ;)


  1. Hi guys, sorry for the frequent gaps in posting. I had exams going on, so I was a bit short on blogging time. But now that this hectic year is (basically) over, I will have plenty of time and will try to post frequently. Thanks! Noah ;)
    PS what houses are you in. Holding fingers for plenty of Ravenclaws! Bye!


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