Harry Potter: Top Five Magical Creatures (excluding all pre/sequels)

Welcome back to another epic list. Hope you enjoy and leave any queries or post requests in the comments below. So put on your glasses, comb your hair and let's get right into another epic list. 

5: Thestrals

These misunderstood skeletal horses are only visible to those who have witnessed death. They are majestic fliers and send out a subtle message about not reading a book by its cover. Thestrals  are carnivorous, black figures with huge fangs.

Not much is known about them, which shrouds them in the mists of mystery. Even Newt and Hagrid can't answer all our many questions about these magical beasts! They may have caused many controversies among fans, but we will hope to meet them again in future pre/sequels.

4: Veelas

We didn't get too much information on these easy-to-anger humanoids with a pretty face, but Fleur Delacour, along with the Veelas who appeared at the Quidditch World Cup, gave us enough info to see that these creatures were not just a pretty face. They were competitive and had an explosive dark side.

They can breed with humans and are immensely powerful. They can have a huge hold on males, but are often shunned by females who may feel threatened or annoyed by them. Anyway, an overall interesting magical being.

3: Dementor

These soul-suckers are like a horde of Grim Reapers. The creatures of your nightmares would be happy to suck YOUR happiness out of you faster than you can say 'mommy'. The cloak bearing horrors were molded out of the depths of depression itself.

These dark and evil devils were the dreaded guards of Azkaban. For more details on these horrific humanoids please check out my post about Ekrizdis, who is the psychotic inventor of both these foul demons and their horrifying prison home.

2: Boggart
These shape-shifting horrors are very similar indeed to the famous IT the clown. They take the form of their viewer's worst nightmare, but are expelled by laughter, which can easily be caused using the spell Ridiculous, which changes them to fit the viewer's hilarious concocted thought.

They are immensely powerful and obtain some of the nightmare's abilities, as shown in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The natural form of a Boggart is unknown, but I do have a few theories which you can watch out for in future blog updates.

1: House Elf
These kreatures (geddit) are simply slaves. That's it. No arguments. Anyone who says they aren't should be locked up in Azkaban... for good. House elves are exaggerated representations of certain human traits, such as our will to follow others and how we often turn a blind eye if we are mistreated.

The brainwashed servants supposedly 'enjoy' service, but this is extremely hard to believe. These endearing and loyal elves 'exposed' certain human natures; Dobby is devotion, Kreacher is mourning and Winky is depression. We will hold Dobby, Kreacher and all the rest dear in our hearts.

Thanks for returning to see another awesome post! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you soon. ;) - Noah


  1. Love the one about Kreacher

  2. Didn’t mean to send it twice.😂😂😂😂😂😂


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