Casting Heroes vs Villains 2
Something most Survivor fans agree on is that we NEED a Heroes vs Villains 2. Polls have shown that it is considered by fans to be the best season ever. I will be able to include any players who did NOT compete in the 20-person Heroes vs Villains season, although I must say that think Courtney is a player who needs to compete again. I have seen many people do this by picking the competitors before assigning them to tribes, but I think one of the best things about the original was that everyone (except Sugar) really suited the role they were placed in. This results in the exclusion of players like Greg Buis, Spencer Bledsoe and Nick Wilson, who were brilliant but ambiguous. Please comment your cast below and let's get to it. Heroes Tribe: Richard Hatch Teresa Cooper Yau-Man Taj George Malcolm Freburg Kelley Wentworth Latasha Fox Keith Nale Davie Rickenbacker Lauren Beck Listed in the order in which they first appeared, I think this is an amazing tribe. Richard Hatch is the first ev...